By the grace of God,
we cordially request the honour of your presence at the wedding of


the son of
Mr. Martin Wikarma
Mrs. Vina Tjan (Tjan Giok Tjin)


Stacey Angelina Kuswanto

the daughter of
Mr. Harris Soedoko Kuswanto
Mrs. Michele Ratina Bratanata












Saturday, February 1st 2025

Fairmont Hotel Jakarta
Jl. Asia Afrika no.8, Gelora, Jakarta


Guest Dress Code

Formal Attire



Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.

Gerson & Devi

Lancar sampai hari H, Edo Stacey. Selalu rukun, harmonis, berlimpah sukacita.

Rendy & Viola

We Love Edodoe and Stacey❤️

Gusnawan & Silvia

Wish you have a wonderful life together with lots of love

Epi Sihombing

Ahhhhh akhirnya yaa eddoooooeeee lancar sampai hari H ,jaga kesehataan untuk kalian berdua Tuhan berkati kalian guysss ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yanto & Lisia

May you be happy forever

Edwin & Yulie

Dear Edo and Stacey, wishing you love, joy,and lifetime of happiness together cheers to beautiful marriage , grounded in faith ❤️

Lie Suni & Joel

God... Lord Jesus Anoint and Bless Your Beautiful Marriage FernandoStacey 💞

Chuliawati & Ivan

Wishing u both a life time of love & happiness

Suwandi & Mei-mei

May your love grow stronger each and every passing year.

Budi, Ayleen & Andrew

Congratulations Fernando & Stacey on your “ Happy Wedding Day ! “ Thank you for letting us share in your joyful wedding celebration. Wishing you both happiness , joy , love and success as you both begin your new future life together. All the best to you , God bless you abundantly , From Ayleen , Budi & Andrew .

Reynold & Kesya

Congratss Edo dan Stacey Semoga dilancarkan segala sesuatunya sampai hari H. God Bless!

Hengky Djatmiko & Jenny Manugara

Wishing you a lifetime of joy as you journey together in life. May the Lord God bless you and keep you in His everlasting love.

Herman Mulyadi & Annette

Selamat Berbahagia

Atjep Rahardja & Maria

Selamat menempuh hidup baru dengan penuh kerukunan dan suka cita kebersamaan menuju kebahagiaan

Olivya & Rido

Pakkkk... selamatttt yaaaaa.. happy selalu untuk pak edo dan stacey... terharu.. finally yaaa.. lancar2 sampai hari H.. Tuhan berkati semua rangkaian acara nya..Tuhan berkati selalu yaa..🥰🥰🥰

Ema Linio, Herman, Naomi & Family

Kiranya Yesus Kristus yang telah mempertemukan Edo dan Stacey akan selalu memimpin, menganugerahkan kebaikan dan meberkati segala usaha sehingga dapat menjadi terang bagi banyak orang lain🙏

Ailan & Partner

Wishing you both, Fernando & Stacey ... a lifetime of love, laughter n happiness. God bless your Marriage 🙏🍷🎊💐❤️🎶

Hartati & Yanto

Happy Wedding Fernando & Stacey, God bless you

Bryan & Vania

Yeay, congrats Mabree Edo and Sistha Stacey.. Lancar" sampai hari H yah.. Tuhan berkati 😇


Dear Fernando & Stacey Congratulations on your wedding day. May God always bless and guide your marriage life forever🙏🏻

Edi Martin & Istri

Happy marriage, may your marriage always be full of blessings and love


Tuhan Yesus menyertai Rumahtangga kamu..

Wiewie & Tina

Sukses n bahagia selalu Tuhan Yesus memberkati

Tonny Linggi & Luana

Selamat menempuh hidup baru Edo & Stacey. Berkat Allah tak putus-putusnya terus mengalir dalam rumah tangga kalian.

Jonnerman Sipayung & Vivi

Congratulations Fernando & Stacey.. Selamat memasuki Bahtera Rumah Tangga.. Anugerah dan Jaminan TUHAN atas pernikahan Fernando dan Stacey Penyertaan dan Berkat TUHAN melimpah atas Keluarga Fernando & Stacey. Semua berkat TUHAN yang terbaik mengalir atas Rumah Tangga Fernando & Stacey. Amen

Abraham & Helen

Have a wonderful wedding Stacey n Fernando ❤️❤️❤️

Pingkan & Partner

Happy Wedding Day to Stacey & Fernando🥳🥳🥳 Bahagia sampe kakek nenek😇


Happy Wedding dear Fernando & Stacey. May GOD bless your marriage.🙏🙏 We wish you both having a lifetime of love and happiness. (Santosa & Yanti)


Voilaa!! Congratz kaaa. So happy for you and see you on your wedding day ❤️

Elizabeth Sidauruk

Congrats koko Edo dan ci Stacey, selamat berbahagia selamanya. Tuhan Yesus sayang kalian selalu♥

Angel & Karin

Congtatsss koko & cici akhirnya yaa.. we wish you all the best, lancar terus sampe harinya, may you guys be happy forever 🥰🥰

Isyah Purnawijaya & Ibu Atik

Edo & Stacey congratulations on their marriage, remain faithful until the end. God bless you both.

Chandra & Grace

May today be the beginning of beautiful forever. Wishing you two a lifetime of love and laughter. God Bless.

David Heriyanto & Yuvita

Hi Edo & Stacey, Congratz Ya!Semoga diberikan kebahagiaan dan selamat menempuh hidup baru. GBU More Guys

Suzy Ticoalu & Nela

Pernikahan karena Tuhan ijinkan dan anugrahkan adalah hal terindah bila dikembalikan untuk menjadi persembahan yg mulia bagiNya.Selamat Berbahagia Fernando & Stacey Tuhan yg memulai biarkan Dia terus memimpin Nya.

Dr. Nita & Partner

Happy Wedding dear Stacey n Fernando

Firman Chung & Meiliana

Happy Wedding Edo dan Stacey, wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness together. Welcome to the club!! 🫡😄

Febri & Yohanna

Happy Wedding Edo Stacey ❤️ Tuhan yg beri sukacita, damai sejahtera, berkat yg berlimpah atas rumah tangga kalian✨✨

Andre Ndun & Neil Febrina

Happy Wedding Edo & Stacey

Selly, Yani & Cicilia

Wishing you all the Joy and Bless .. Happy Wedding Day

To have and to hold
To cherish and honor